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来源:热带地理 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-07
摘要:However, allof above are just some of the Bangkok Bastards that have been more reveal themselves on a daily basis. They all demonstrate survival instincts that allow them to tame in the seemingly unta

However, allof above are just some of the Bangkok Bastards that have been more reveal themselves on a daily basis. They all demonstrate survival instincts that allow them to tame in the seemingly untamable tropical city -an environment filled not only with tropical heat,humidity, and dampness… but dust, noise, pollution,congestion, prying eyes. They will showcase unique strategies circulate air when wind movement is not so easily predicted in complex city block concoct new light tectonics, utilizing cheap,scavenged components made of both natural and industrial materials of the city.

Bangkok Bastards can not only reveal fascinating aspects of authentic life in my hometown, but also teach us invaluable lessons of living in an extreme urban tropical space. They are unique examples of city-grown, tropical responses to equatorial urbanism, and come in unexpected sizes,forms, and strategies… Bangkok Bastards can make us aware of the brutal reality of the new, untamed,extreme urban tropicality, and show us how to how to not only survive, but to thrive, in such an environment.

文章来源:《热带地理》 网址: http://www.rddlzz.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0307/569.html


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